Strong for the north

What the EU offers

Europe is not just Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg - Europe is happening on our doorstep. Europe is tangible here for the 2.9 million inhabitants of Schleswig-Holstein. But many people ask themselves: What are the concrete benefits of EU membership for our region in Schleswig-Holstein? That is why the European Parliament has now designed the interactive website ‘What Europe does for me’ to provide brief, easy-to-understand information on how European citizens benefit from the EU.

Subsidies for municipalities

Subsidies for companies

Educational support


Waterkant Hub


Competence Centre Renewable Energies




Construction of an otter enclosure

AktivRegion Uthlande



AktivRegion Dithmarschen

Friedrichskoog adventure trail

MarktTreff Delve

Schleswig Flensburg

Production school Schleswig

Minority life - when history becomes concrete


Rendsburg Eckernförde

Borgstedt multigenerational village

Germany Denmark Cooperation via INTERREG funding

UNDINE project to protect the underwater world of the Baltic Sea


Project „Blumen Bauen Brücken“

Upgrading the historic gardens of the Christiansen merchant family

Project „Meine Zukunft Jetzt“ to provide educational support for young people after the coronavirus pandemic


The AktivRegion Schwentine-Holsteinische Schweiz: Acquisition of the Malente community bus

„JUGEND STÄRKEN im Quartier“: free career counselling for young people

„B.E.L.T. Be Europe - Learn Together“


„AktivRegion Holsteiner Auenland“: Dyke hiking trail

The Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie (ISIT) in Itzehoe is researching electrolysis processes with support from the Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)

The Steinburg Vocational Training Centre took part in the EU education programme ‘Comenius’, which promotes exchanges between schools within Europe.

Herzogtum Lauenburg

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in Geesthacht receives financial support for its projects from the European Union.

Projekt IT Scouts of the training academy of the economy

Jugendbildungsstätte Ratzeburg receives funding for the production school project

The work of the AktivRegion Sachsenwald-Elbe is supported.


Segeberg receives half a million euros for the redesign of the market square

The Segeberg carpooling network is being supported with a total of around 135,000 euros from EU funds

European Social Fund (ESF), the EU supports the counselling centre FRAU & BERUF

Trappenkamp adventure forest


Bus companion service for older people and people with disabilities

Natura 2000: protection of endangered animal and plant species

EFRE funds are being used to support the construction of new production, storage and administration areas as well as social facilities for the workforce


EU supports the redevelopment of the fishing harbour in the Travemünde district

Naturwerkstatt Priwall looks after the nature reserve ‘Südlicher Priwall’: construction of an exhibition centre

Around 1.75 million euros are being subsidised for example for the project JUMP, which links educational institutions and universities in order to offer disadvantaged young people prospects on the labour market through cross-border support programmes


New premises are being created at Wedel University of Applied Sciences for the ‘Startup Connect’ project.

A young company specialising in bio-based materials and consumer goods is receiving financial support from the European Regional Development Fund to set up a plant in Holm

The „FRAU & BERUF“ counselling service provided by the Pinneberg District Economic Development Agency is funded by the European Social Fund


The EU is promoting the expansion of the „Grünen Achse Schwaleniederung“

The advice centre FRAU & BERUF in Neumünster is funded by the European Social Fund

City of Neumünster is the sponsor of a project to promote tourism

Around 1.6 million euros were invested in the redevelopment of a brownfield site on the grounds of the former Scholtz barracks


Biogas plant


Nature experience trail

"Ich schaffe das!"


Most important subsidies







Europa Union SH

The Europa Union Schleswig-Holstein is a political organisation that advocates greater integration and cooperation between European countries. It promotes the exchange of ideas, values and cultures and is committed to a common European identity.

Europäische Bewegung SH

The Europäische Bewegung Schleswig-Holstein is a network of associations and organisations from politics, business and society, which is committed to promoting the European idea in Schleswig-Holstein and the understanding between the citizens of Europe in a European civil society.


The Jungen Europäischen Föderalisten Europe is a transnational youth association with over 30,000 members in more than 30 countries in Europe and the youth organisation of the Union of European Federalists. It advocates the political integration of Europe on the basis of democratically legitimised structures.

Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament European Committee

The European Committee performs cross-sectional tasks such as the analysis of EU funding programmes, the impact of EU policy on rural development in Schleswig-Holstein, maritime policy, Baltic Sea cooperation and North German cooperation.

Akademie Sankelmark

The Akademie Sankelmark places particular emphasis on promoting intercultural dialogue and international understanding. It offers a variety of programmes that deal with topics such as peace, human rights, culture, politics and the environment.

Hermann Ehlers Akademie

The Hermann Ehlers Akademie (HEA) is the independent and non-partisan educational organisation of the Hermann Ehlers Foundation. The Hermann Ehlers Stiftung e. V. is a political foundation in Schleswig-Holstein with close links to the CDU. It is responsible for the Hermann Ehlers Academy in Kiel and the Hermann Ehlers Student Residence in Kiel.

Akademie ländliche Räume

The Akademie für die Ländlichen Räume Schleswig-Holsteins e. V. (ALR) has been operating as a non-profit organisation since December 1992. Its aim is the preservation and sustainable, independent development of rural areas.The Academy's activities are primarily aimed at the villages and small towns in the rural areas of Schleswig-Holstein.

Europe Schools

The European Schools are educational institutions that have a European focus in their curriculum and pedagogical work. They promote intercultural understanding, multilingualism and the exploration of European values and topics in order to prepare pupils for a globalised world.

State representative for political education

The State Commissioner for Political Education in Schleswig-Holstein promotes democratic understanding and political participation through educational programmes and events. The aim is to inform citizens, strengthen critical thinking and support active participation in the democratic process in order to play a constructive role in shaping society.


The Gustav Heinemann Bildungsstätte is an institution for political education in Germany. It was named after Gustav Heinemann, who was the fourth President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1969 to 1974 and is regarded as a role model for a democratic, tolerant and socially just society.

Landesverband der Volkshochschulen in SH

The Landesverband der Volkshochschulen Schleswig-Holstein e.V. represents the interests of the almost 150 adult education centres and educational institutions in the state, provides them with support, facilitates networking and coordinates adult education projects. The vhs-Landesverband is a member of the European Movement Schleswig-Holstein e.V. and organises European exchanges for adult education professionals as an accredited provider in the Erasmus+ programme.

Enterprise Europe Network

Your partner in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein on the way to international markets and EU projects

IBSH – Die Förderbank für Schleswig-Holstein

Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein is active in many areas in order to successfully shape the future of the state.

Knowledge & History

Europe in SH


Connecting Europa Facility

Implementation of the EU's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding programme, which provides funding for the improvement of transport infrastructure, including maritime transport infrastructure.


European Regional Development Fund

Implementation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Schleswig-Holstein to promote projects to strengthen regional competitiveness and sustainable development.


INTERREG-Programm Sweden

Introduction of the INTERREG-Programm to promote cooperation between Schleswig-Holstein and Sweden (Skåne region).


INTERREG-Programm Denmark

Establishment of the INTERREG-Programm, which promotes cross-border projects between Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark (Syddanmark region).